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HPNow and Kaneya sign HPGen™ distribution agreement for Japanese high-tech horticulture market

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK and MINAMICHITA, JAPAN (July 15, 2021) – HPNow, a global provider of HPGen™ Peroxide UltraPure™ on-site generation solutions, and Kaneya, Japan’s leading distributor of advanced horticulture inputs and solutions, are pleased to announce the signing of an HPGen™ distribution agreement for the Japanese market.

The Kaneya team with the HPGen™ system

Kaneya is a leader in the horticulture industry in Japan. The company has a large international network, and its mission as a distributor of high-end greenhouses and related equipment and inputs is to contribute to the future of advanced horticulture. The HPGen™ systems will play key role in supporting the company’s vision. Kaneya is active in 10 countries, and also operates its own high-tech greenhouse.

The distribution agreement will give Japan access to HPNow’s patented technology solution for autonomous, safe and sustainable on-site generation of ultrapure hydrogen peroxide. HPGen has already proven strong effectiveness in agriculture operations around the world, providing for improved crop protection and reduced irrigation system maintenance across a wide range of crops, cultivation methods and climates. Many HPGen customers further report increased crop yields.

“We’re very pleased to be working together with such an esteemed company as Kaneya,” comments Ziv Gottesfeld, CEO of HPNow. “Japan is at the forefront of controlled-environment agriculture, and this agreement is illustrative of the confidence the industry has in our products to support its cutting-edge cultivation methods.”

“We are looking forward to a strong collaboration with HPNow in the Japanese market,” adds Kazuta Aoyama, International Sales and Business Development Manager with Kaneya. “The HPGen technology offers exciting benefits to Japanese growers, which they will be eager to integrate in their operations.”

About Kaneya

Celebrating its golden anniversary, Kaneya is a leading horticultural and agricultural solution provider, selling and distributing products that range from its core, technologically advanced offering of plastic pots and trays, to a variety of other related products produced by leading horticulture companies around the world, including substrate, seeds and plants, greenhouse equipment, fertilizer etc. With more than 12,000 customers on record, and some 5,000 active, satisfied and fiercely loyal active customers, Kaneya operates throughout Japan and exports its products to 10 countries, and has established itself as a global force in the horticulture industry.

About HPNow

HPNow addresses growing global challenges in clean water and sanitation through its range of on-site, autonomous, safe and sustainable hydrogen peroxide generation solutions. Headquartered in Copenhagen, and with representation across Europe, the Americas and Asia, they address their clients’ water treatment needs in market segments ranging from agriculture and aquaculture, to industrial and drinking water treatment. HPNow is a technology and market leader in on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide, and is continuously striving to further advance its technology and products in order to meet growing market needs and rising global demand.

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