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of Hydrogen Peroxide
Safe. Sustainable. Chemicals free.
Choose Your Interest
Onsite Green Oxidation
HPNow is transforming the way green oxidation works, with our groundbreaking hydrogen peroxide generators. We are proud to lead the industry as pioneers in green oxidation solutions, setting a new standard in eco-friendly water treatment technologies. Say goodbye to traditional, harmful oxidation methods and embrace the future of green technology.
With more than 150 installations in dozens of countries, across industrial, municipal and agricultural water treatment, our patented hydrogen peroxide generation technology has proven itself in the field. We know green oxidation, and we make it work for you.
Discover Our
The Green Way of Doing Oxidation
Step into the future of sustainable water treatment with HPNow’s line of on-site, on-demand electrochemical hydrogen peroxide generators
The GOgen™ cabinet generates green Peroxide UltraPure™ on demand for applications in horticulture, livestock, and water treatment.
High-volume industrial and municipal needs are met by our scalable GOgen™ systems with a higher Peroxide UltraPure™ production rate.
Peroxide UltraPure™ breaks down to pure water and oxygen, without byproducts
Direct electrochemical generation technology using only water, electricity and air
No handling and storage of dangerous chemicals. Safe concentration
Reduces bulk chemical costs, saves storage space, reduces chemical handling costs
Peroxide UltraPure™ a powerful water treatment solution, directly on site and on demand
Fully autonomous system, simple integration and straightforward maintenance
What Our
“It’s one of those rare cases where the technology can do everything that was promised, with little intervention from us”
Peace Tree Farm
Robert MacMullin
Pace Solutions
“Awesome product, great quality, environmentally developed. Services second to none!”
Pedro Mejía
“The GOgen™ systems represent a step forward in our food safety practices, as well as in our sustainability efforts”
DCME Networking Event (September 24), London, UK
WEFTEC, Booth #7657 (October 5-9), New Orleans, LA USA
Water Treatment Europe (December 9-10), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Aquatech, Booth #10.707 (March 11-14, 2025), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Reach out for a free consultation on hoe HPNow’s technology could improve your water treatment.
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Green oxidation through onsite hydrogen peroxide generation.
Copyright © 2024 HPNow
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