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Circular water treatment solution

GOgen™: Onsite Green Oxidation Solutions

Ditch the chemicals, embrace sustainability: GOgen™ provides effective industrial water treatment without chemical inputs

Closed-loop water systems recirculate water, creating conditions conducive to bio-film buildup, increasing heat impedance, and reducing cooling system efficiency. Traditional treatment methods are typically chlorine-based. But chlorine is highly corrosive, increases salinity leading to increased blow-down and water usage, and is not effective in combating biofilm.

GOgen protects the water system by generating Peroxide UltraPure onsite, a powerful yet sustainable water treatment agent, highly effective at preventing biofilm buildup. Peroxide UltraPure is then injected into the water lines, improving water safety, increasing system efficiency, and reducing water and energy use.

Effluent water treatment often requires the use of a strong oxidant, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is often the oxidant of choice, due to its strong oxidation potential, and its minimal environmental footprint – breaking down to water and oxygen following use, and leaving no unwanted byproducts or salination behind. But the transportation, handling and storage of high-concentration bulk hydrogen peroxide is often prone to high costs, dedicated infrastructure investments, logistical challenges, and ongoing safety concern.

HPNow’s GOgen generates a green yet powerful oxidant, Peroxide UltraPure, a highly effective oxidizing agent. GOgen generates Peroxide UltraPure directly on site, using only water and electricity as inputs, and providing a high-efficacy, safe, sustainable, and autonomous solution, without chemical inputs.

Traditional process water treatment often relies on the use of chlorine, either in chemical form, or generated on site. Chlorine is highly toxic and corrosive, increases salinity leading to discharge water challenges, and is cause for growing concern due to unwanted byproducts.

HPNow’s GOgen™ generates a green yet powerful oxidant, Peroxide UltraPure™ , directly onsite, and using only water and electricity as inputs. GOgen™ provides a high-efficacy, safe, sustainable, and autonomous solution for your process water treatment, without chemical inputs.

Water safety is increasingly threatened by trace organic contaminants originating from pharmaceutical, cosmetics, oil and gas, and chemical industries. These Trace Organic Compounds (TrOC) are becoming the subject of rising public concern and tightening regulations.

The activation of hydrogen peroxide by UV creates highly potent hydroxyl radicals which break down these resilient organic compounds. This process is termed Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). GOgen™ enables a fully-autonomous, safe, chemical-input free AOP, by producing UltraPure™ hydrogen peroxide directly at the point of use, using only water and electricity as inputs. GOgen™ reduces chemical consumable costs, improves occupational safety, and reduces chemical storage, handling, and permitting costs, as well as dependence on 3rd party chemical supply chains.

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) may be formed in municipal and industrial wastewater by the biological reduction of sulfates and the decomposition of organic material. It can also naturally occur in groundwater and well water as a result of chemical reactions and decay. This colorless gas has long been recognized as a major problem for municipal and industrial water and wastewater (WWT) systems. Beyond its unpleasant odor, the gas is toxic, and is subsequently converted to sulfuric acid which attacks concrete and steel structures.

Traditionally this treated using strong oxidizing agents, but these are a source for increasing environmental, regulatory, operational and safety concerns.

HPNow’s GOgen™ generates a green yet powerful oxidant, Peroxide UltraPure, proven as a highly effective H2S oxidizing agent. GOgen generates Peroxide UltraPureTM directly on site, using only water and electricity as inputs, and providing a high-efficacy, safe, sustainable, and autonomous odor-control solution, without chemical inputs.

The GOgen™ Solution


The GOgen™ System: Tailored Onsite Treatment

The GOgen™ system is specifically designed with the needs and requirements of industrial water treatment. It generates Peroxide UltraPure, and power yet safe and sustainable oxidant, directly on site using only water and electricity as inputs.

GOgen is a fully autonomous solution, ensuring continuous supply of a critical water treatment agent, without dependence on 3rd parties and external supply chains, and without the need to manage, store and handle hazardous chemicals.

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