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Municipal Water Treatment

Minimize waste, maximize results

Green Oxidation Without Chemical Inputs

From source to tap, GOgen™ ensures pristine drinking water. Our onsite generation technology delivers clean, sustainable water treatment for municipalities.

Water treatment operations are facing challenging water pollutants like pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

GOgen™’s onsite technology generates pure hydrogen peroxide, a green solution for cleaner water.

Trace Organic Compounds (TrOC), originating from diverse sectors such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, oil and gas, and chemical industries, threaten water safety.

GOgen™ enables chemical-free AOP.

Odor control faces pressing challenges, demanding solutions that are both effective and environmentally sustainable. Conventional methods, often reliant on chemical agents, raise concerns due to potential environmental pollution and health risks.

GOgen™’s green solution generates safe hydrogen peroxide onsite.

Chemical-based effluent treatment harms the environment, creates logistical issues, and poses safety risks.

GOgen™’s onsite green solution eliminates these problems with eco-friendly hydrogen peroxide.

The GOgen™ Solution


Safe and Sustainable Municipal Water Treatment

The GOgen™ system addresses the evolving needs of municipal water treatment facilities. It produces Peroxide UltraPure™ directly onsite, offering a fully automated and secure oxidation solution.

Peroxide UltraPure™ delivers powerful oxidation without introducing harmful byproducts or residuals. Unlike traditional methods, it eliminates the need for stabilizing materials, heavy metals, or chlorine residuals that can pose health concerns.

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