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Interview: Pooria Moozarm Nia, R&D Scientist

A bridge between academia and industry – that’s how Pooria Moozarm Nia, R&D scientist at HPNow, describes himself. At the company, he’s working every day on improving the lifetime of our systems. And when he’s not busy at work, he has several other fascinating interests, but more on that later.

A career in hydrogen peroxide

Pooria is originally from Iran, and moved to the Netherlands in 2012. When he and his wife were looking for new horizons, an opportunity presented itself in Denmark, at HPNow. “I read the job description, and it fit with my background – I have a PhD in electrochemistry and have worked on hydrogen peroxide production and application almost my entire life. So I was very much interested in the job, and fortunately I was hired.”

Improving the lifetime of the HPGen

Pooria works in the R&D section at HPNow, where he runs several projects. “Some of them I’m leading, others I contribute to with someone else, and on some I’m an advisor. My main tasks are to improve the HPGen technology by pushing the boundaries on throughput, concentration and lifetime.”

“Happy to be a bridge”

As a scientific person, Pooria says he’s always happy to be a bridge between academia and industry. “If we need to know how to solve something in the company, I’m super happy to share knowledge. I see myself as a bridge in that respect.”

The positive atmosphere at HPNow ensures that Pooria really comes into his own in that role. “It’s really a great team, everyone has good relations with each other. The management team also does everything to make sure we can get things done smoothly. I’m proud to be working with this company.”

Number one

Looking to the future, Pooria sees the company growing even more. “The idea of producing hydrogen peroxide without dangerous chemicals was a great idea, and HPNow was already leading in the field then. In 5-10 years, I see us growing and growing, with pioneering products. The future is of course difficult to predict, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be number one in the world in our field.”

Pilot and photographer

When asked about his hobbies, Pooria laughs and says he has two different lives: one at HPNow, and one at home. One of his passions is photography, and it’s quite a serious passion: for 15 years, he worked for various agencies, providing photos to the BBC, CNN and Associated Press, to name just a few. And as if that’s not enough, Pooria is also an amateur pilot, having a complete cockpit of sorts installed at home. When he’s not working, taking pictures or flying, Pooria enjoys reading and playing with his dogs.

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