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Interview: Cristina Turcu, Financial Controller

HPNow is a technical company, working on advanced hydrogen peroxide generators. This requires a lot of technical skills for R&D and production, but those engineers and technicians need support from a whole team to do their job. One of those invaluable supporters is Cristina Turcu, our Financial Controller. Let’s get to know her a bit better!

Cristina is originally from Romania. She moved to Denmark in 2005 to complete her Master’s degree in Business & Finance Administration, with the idea to return to Romania after her studies. “When I finished in 2008, there was a financial crisis, making it difficult to find a job back home. It was a bit easier here, so I ended up staying.”

Different world

After working in hospitality for a number of years, Cristina switched to a different industry in November 2021, when she joined HPNow. “It’s a totally different world, with water filters, electrochemical cells and such, but fortunately the team is very helpful and will answer any questions I have – and the management is also down-to-earth and understanding.”

Always learning

So it’s no wonder that Cristina is always learning, especially with the implementation of the new ERP system. Apart from the changes that come with that, Cristina is kept busy with catching up on e-mails, questions from colleagues, deliveries, salaries, HR-related tasks and generating financial reports. “Right now it’s all about getting data into the new system, creating invoices and purchase orders, paying invoices, and helping out on the operational side as well, for instance organizing lunches at the company.”

Open doors

So there’s always something to do, but the work culture at HPNow makes it easy to deal with all the work, Cristina explains. “Like many Danish companies, the atmosphere is chill, and it’s nice to have lots of open doors. There are no hierarchies like in other countries, that’s something I really appreciate. And because the colleagues come from all sorts of international backgrounds, there’s always something to talk about. We’re all different, but at the same time we’re all curious to learn new things every day. And the engineers in the company speak a different language, but I find it fascinating and I’m learning from them all the time.”


Cristina’s hobbies include dancing, travelling and reading, but right now her number one hobby is looking after her daughter, which takes up plenty of time. “I do like to read when I have time in Romanian, although I speak Danish and English. I recently found a book about the Danish system to educate your child, so that’s what I’m reading right now.”


Cristina is optimistic about the future of the company. “We’re offering something that the market is looking for, so I really think the company has a high potential. And with the new R&D developments, I would definitely invest in the company. I really like that the company invests in everybody’s development – and it’s great to see that the team is so motivated.”

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