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“Getting things done to specs is something that motivates me a lot”

Anders Dahl-Sørensen is a technician in the production department at HPNow. With his broad professional background, he’s definitely an asset to the team, which he joined in March 2021. “When I was let go from my previous job amid the corona pandemic, I saw the HPNow ad – I thought it was very interesting and right up my alley. Luckily I made it through all the interviews.” And since then, Anders hasn’t looked back.

New I-5

Anders has been closely involved with the development of the new HPGen I-5 series. “So far I’ve assembled two, and I’m working on the third one.” He shares that he does a lot of hands-on work. “Figuring out solutions for how everything fits together, a lot of putting things together, drilling, measuring, electric work, that sort of thing.”

One thing Anders particularly enjoys about the work is the element of finding solutions and making things work. “That’s something that motivates me a lot – getting things done, all to specs.”

One of Anders’ big hobbies is bike packing


Just like his colleagues, Anders enjoys the fact that no day is the same at HPNow. “And I like working with a variety of people here, all with different backgrounds – professionally as well as personally, with team members from different countries.”

Anders also points out the loose atmosphere at HPNow: “There’s a very flat structure in the company, there’s no noticeable hierarchy. And there’s a lot of people with a nice sense of humor, so there’s a lot of good vibes going around.”

Bigger and better…

Asked about developments within the company that he’s excited about, Anders mentions working on developing bigger and better versions of the on-site peroxide generators. “That’s something I find very interesting. We keep adding new stuff – and since the move to the new facility it’s great to see things are falling into place.”

…and farther and farther

If you’ve been following along with these series of interviews, you’ll probably have noticed something was missing: the unusual hobby. Well, Anders also has one: he loves riding his bicycle, but not for your regular ride.

Anders on one of his cycling trips

“I like to do something that’s called bike packing: strapping everything to your bike, tent, sleeping gear, cooking gear, whatever you need to be out for days or weeks or even longer.” Anders often goes on short trips over the weekend, usually in Denmark. But in the summer holidays, when there’s more time, he goes on longer adventures.

“Last year I went to Sweden for two weeks, and this year I’ll go to Norway to bike around for a couple of weeks. A few years ago I went to North America: I biked around Canada, and crossed down through the US and continued into Mexico. That’s by far the longest trip I did, and also the coolest and most amazing one.”

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