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Category: Press

HPNow, supplier of technology solutions for the on-site generation of ultrapure hydrogen peroxide, is happy to announce the appointment of Cord Nunez as Sales Director Agriculture, North America. Based in Salinas, CA, Cord will join the company to

A collaboration of scientists from around the world have been named the winners of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s new Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Horizon Prize: John Jeyes Award. Led by scientists at Imperial College London, Chalmers

HPGen I-Series addresses water treatment needs of municipal, industrial, and large-scale agriculture through autonomous, scalable, efficient and safe on-site peroxide generation. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer and well-known water treatment agent used across a wide range of

HPNow’s patented HPGen solution for the on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide, has received the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label, rewarding profitable solutions to protect the environment. HPGen is the world’s first and only on-site hydrogen-peroxide generation solution –

HPNow’s patented HPGen technology enables on-site hydrogen peroxide generation from water and electricity, without any chemical inputs. This proposition strongly appealed to Netherlands-based water treatment solutions provider PureBlue. By combining an HPGen system together with PureBlue’s UV chamber,

This last December HPNow commissioned the world’s first full implementation of Power-to-Peroxide in Hermisan, an irrigation and agriculture company located near Alicante, Eastern Spain. The installation has allowed the company to produce peroxide using only power and water.

HPNow announced that the European Patent Office has issued European Patent No. 3430182 granting it protection for key technology breakthroughs in direct electrochemical peroxide generation. HPNow’s core technology is direct electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide from electricity, water

Peroxide made simple – that is HPNow’s mission: the company’s products generate Peroxide UltraPure™ directly on site, when and where required, in an autonomous and safe manner. And with further improvements introduced to its HPGen on-site Peroxide UltraPure™

HPNow, a leader in on-site, autonomous, clean hydrogen-peroxide generation technology solutions, announces the closing of a €5M financing round. The round was led by sustainability-focused, globally-mandated AP Ventures, together with the VC arm of Evonik Industries (NASDAQ:EVKIF), a

HPNow is developing an embedded hydrogen peroxide generator with the goal to improve cleaning and save energy in dishwashers. The development is done in collaboration with BSH Electrodomesticos, and supported by Eurostars. Copenhagen, July 1, 2020. HPNow (www.hpnow.eu),

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