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HPNow and friends win prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon prize

A collaboration of scientists from around the world have been named the winners of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s new Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Horizon Prize: John Jeyes Award.

Led by scientists at Imperial College London, Chalmers University, University of Copenhagen, Technical Universitys of Denmark, University of Calgary and BASE Life Science, the ‘HPNow’ team receives the prize for scientific and engineering breakthroughs that have enabled hydrogen peroxide synthesis to become a commercial and industrial reality. This new method allows hydrogen peroxide, an environmentally friendly chemical for treating water, to be made on-site and on-demand.

HPNow becomes one of the first winners of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s new Horizon Prizes, introduced after the organisation carried out a wholesale review of its recognition portfolio to better reflect modern science and its impacts in making the world a better place.

Horizon Prizes

The Horizon Prizes celebrate the most exciting, contemporary chemical science at the cutting edge of research and innovation. These prizes are for teams or collaborations who are opening up new directions and possibilities in their field, through ground-breaking scientific developments.

After receiving the prize, Ifan E.L. Stephens, Reader in Electrochemistry at Imperial College London, said: “We feel incredibly honoured to be amongst the first recipients of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Horizon Prize. Since our work was such a collaborative effort, we feel the format of the prize  where it is awarded to the entire team  was particularly appropriate.”

“The astonishing achievements of the HPNow team are simply inspirational, and it is our pleasure and honour to recognise this by presenting this much deserved prize.”

– Dr Helen Pain, Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry

HPNow has installations in over 15 countries around the world, treating water at both hospitals and agricultural sites. The company has also opened an emission-free hydrogen peroxide production plant in Spain which uses solar power. Through this, the team are hoping that this technology will inspire more decarbonisation in industry.

Dr Helen Pain, Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Chemistry, said: “Scientific discovery opens fascinating new frontiers, and we are proud to recognise those whose discoveries push the boundaries of knowledge and its application, and motivate others to follow in their footsteps.

“The astonishing achievements of the HPNow team are simply inspirational, and it is our pleasure and honour to recognise this by presenting this much deserved prize.

“In an era defined by the pandemic, where the contribution of chemical scientists has never been more clear, this achievement is truly a cause for celebration.”

Ziv Gottesfeld, HPNow’s CEO, added: “The RCS Horizon award is unique in that it acknowledges the full breadth and scope of innovation and professional acumen required to develop a novel technology all the way from the academic lab through to a commercial product addressing a strong market and societal need. We are accordingly very proud to be a recipient of this prestigious award.”

About the RSC prizes

The Royal Society of Chemistry’s prizes have recognised excellence in the chemical sciences for more than 150 years. In 2019, the organisation announced the biggest overhaul of this portfolio in its history, designed to better reflect modern science.

Of those to have won a Royal Society of Chemistry Prize, over 50 have gone on to win Nobel Prizes for their pioneering work, including 2019 Nobel laureate John B. Goodenough.

For more information about the RSC’s modern Prizes portfolio, visit rsc.li/prizes.

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