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Category: News

Jade Garden is an important supplier of cucumbers to the local market in the South Island of New Zealand. At their glasshouses in Christchurch, the company emphasizes a safe environment for their employees and healthy conditions for their

Peace Tree Farm is a multigenerational family business dedicated to the production of nursery specialty plants, such as basil and lavender. It is an organic operation known for quality, consistency and sustainability. Plants are grown in an ebb

Picassent irrigation community distributes and manages irrigation water for over 387 hectares of crops to more than 900 users, mostly growing citrus and palm trees. Water is taken from the Tous dam through the Júcar-Turia canal, a large

Strong population growth, contamination from industrial and municipal uses, and critical regional droughts are placing great stress and challenges on global water resources and, consequently, on water purifiers. In addition to decades of proven drinking water treatment processes

Agrolíbano is one of the largest melon growers in the world, with over 6000 ha of crops by the Pacific Ocean in Honduras. In an effort to further strengthen bio-security practices and optimize water usage, Agrolíbano was looking

An HPGen system installed at the Picassent irrigation community in Valencia, Spain, was featured in the program Terra Viva from the À Punt Mèdia channel. The HPGen system produces Peroxide UltraPure, which is injected in the irrigation lines

Installing an HPGen™ system is so straightforward that you can do it yourself and have it up and running in no time. Now it got even easier, with our new installation video: We guide new users through the

The Huelva region in southern Spain is an important area for agriculture. Dry soil and a warm climate, combined with the use of organic fertilizer, can be challenging for growers, however. A 24-hectare blueberry plantation in Huelva, part

East Seaton Farm is a leading soft fruit grower in East Scotland with more than 100 ha under management. The family business, formed in 1991, supplies the major supermarkets in the UK. They grow their blueberries and strawberries

November 29, 2016, Herning, Denmark – HPNow ApS has received the Agro Business Park award, given out annually to three leading agriculture and food innovators. The award committee includes leading Northern European food and agriculture corporations and entities such as

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