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HPNow Awarded €1.8M Funding under the European Innovation Counsel Accelerator Pilot program

Funds will be used to leverage HPNow’s autonomous hydrogen peroxide generation technology solution towards increased water safety and the fight against coronavirus

Copenhagen, June 11, 2020. HPNow (www.hpnow.eu) has been selected for €1.8M grant funding under the highly-competitive H2020 European Innovation Counsel (EIC) Acceleration Pilot program. The Acceleration Pilot program is the EC’s leading platform to support highly-innovative European SME’s with potential for major market impact based on strong innovation. The recent EIC call was focused on innovative solutions to help fight COVID-19. HPNow is one of only 36 companies selected for funding under the COVID-19 topic, out of 1,400 applicants. Throughout the recent pandemic outbreak, chemical supply chains were often disrupted, leading to shortages in critical disinfectant agents when those were most required. With its breakthrough technology solutions, HPNow enables the safe and efficient generation of ultra-high-purity peroxide directly where and when it is required, and using only water and electricity as inputs. HPNow’s technology solutions altogether bypass present-day chemical supply chains, and secure the availability of a powerful oxidation and disinfection agent, highly effective against COVID-19, to clinics, hospitals and first responders.

The EIC grant will further be utilized towards improving the EU’s water safety and security. Today’s water and wastewater treatment processes are largely dependent on the bulk production and delivery of toxic chemical agents, through a hazardous, green-house-gas intensive, and costly supply chain. HPNow’s solutions enable the autonomous, chemical-input-free generation of a potent water treatment agent, highly effective against both pathogens and human-made pollutants – altogether bypassing the present-day bulk-based production and supply chain.

HPNow’s solutions will provide for a strong positive impact across key UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDG’s), in improving public health and water safety, and in climate action.

About HPNow: HPNow ApS is a Copenhagen-based SME dedicated to the development and commercialization of novel products and solutions based on its technology breakthroughs in on-site generation of hydrogen peroxide. The company’s first product, the HPGen, addresses the horticulture irrigation water treatment market. The HPGen is manufactured in Denmark and is successfully sold in over 10 leading horticulture countries. HPGen development was partly supported by the EC’s highly-competitive SME Instrument. The company is backed by the VC arm of Evonik Industries (FRA:EVK) – a leading global supplier of bulk hydrogen peroxide.



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