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Press Releases

Royal Brinkman, together with HPNow, is introducing the HPGen generator. With the HPGen™ generators, growers produce Peroxide UltraPure™ themselves on-site at the nursery. This ultra-pure form of hydrogen peroxide can be fed directly into the grower’s irrigation system.

Peroxide UltraPure™, generated exclusively by the HPGen™ generator, has been OMRI Listed® for use as a plant disease control or as an algicide, disinfectant, or sanitizer. HPGen™ uses only water, electricity, and air to generate the OMRI Listed®

HPNow’s HPGen™ produces  ultra-high purity, safe-concentration hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) onsite. The system produces hydrogen peroxide using only air, water, and electricity. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized the system as a pesticidal device under the

For 10 years the Nordic Cleantech Open competition has served as an observation tower for the up and coming cleantech innovation trends that will support the transition to a low carbon reality. The 10th Edition of the Nordic

COPENHAGEN, DENMARK and MINAMICHITA, JAPAN (July 15, 2021) – HPNow, a global provider of HPGen™ Peroxide UltraPure™ on-site generation solutions, and Kaneya, Japan’s leading distributor of advanced horticulture inputs and solutions, are pleased to announce the signing of

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