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Cleantech innovation brings safe drinking water to rural areas

HPNow, a leader in Green Oxidation technology solutions, and MatiTech, a South African advanced water treatment solutions provider leader, have achieved a breakthrough in providing safe drinking water at remote mining sites using the innovative GOgen® Green Oxidant generation technology solution.

Addressing the challenge of polluted water sources

“Mining sites, particularly those in remote locations, often struggle with access to clean potable water due to increasing levels of pollutants in raw water sources,” said Mike Bowley, Managing Director of MatiTech. “Traditional water treatment methods, relying on transport of handling of hazardous chemicals, are becoming inadequate, and GOgen® offers a sustainable and effective solution.”

Benefits of GOgen® for remote mining sites

  • On-site hydrogen peroxide generation: Eliminates the need for transporting and storing hazardous high-concentration hydrogen peroxide.
  • Reduced reliance on supply chains: Requires only water, electricity, and ambient air to operate.
  • Autonomous operation and remote monitoring: Minimizes the need for skilled personnel on-site.
  • Dynamic system adapts to changing water quality: Ensures consistent and effective treatment.

Beyond mines

The GOgen® technology solution is applicable beyond mining sites. A majority of South African rural schools suffer from the lack of drinking-quality water, and solving this challenge is MatiTech’s and HPNow’s next mission.

“We believe the GOgen® is the ideal solution for rural schools and villages across South Africa”, says Michael Bowley, Managing Director of MatiTech. “Aging infrastructure across our country often limits the ability to serve remote schools and communities, and decentralized water treatment solutions are the clear way to go. HPNow’s technology solutions are at the forefront of a sustainable, decentralized water treatment revolution which does not rely on traditional costly infrastructure based methods.”

Peroxide UltraPure™: A sustainable solution for the future

With growing concerns about water pollution globally, Peroxide UltraPure™, generated exclusively by the GOgen® system, offers a safe, clean, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional methods.

According to Kevin Eggers of AP Ventures, one of the investors behind both HPNow and  MatiTech, the GOgen® technology solution is poised to make a significant and lasting impact on South Africa’s water situation. “This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize water treatment methods in the region for years to come. »

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