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Interview: Ulrik Høgh, Warehouse / Logistics

Here at HPNow, we produce a lot of on-site Peroxide UltraPure generators, for customers around the world. Ulrik Høgh makes sure that all those machines are shipped in an orderly manner.

Ulrik joined us eight months ago, and we couldn’t imagine our warehouse without him. He handles various tasks in the logistics department. In his own words: “I take care of the warehouse, look after new materials that come in, putting everything in order. I also pack up the finished machines, put them together and do a final quality control. Not a day is the same, but that actually makes the job exciting.”

A new language

Ulrik’s previous job was at an exhibition company, so he’s used to different situations popping up – but he wasn’t used to working at a production company. “Learning the process has been very enlightening and fascinating, and I feel that now I know what the production team are talking about – it’s been like learning a new language.”

Open culture

It helps that the company culture at HPNow is, in Ulrik’s own words, very open. “There is a nice mix of production people, like me, sales people, and R&D, each working on a different timetable with their own expertise, and still working together. And it’s great that we can talk about all sorts of different things, also with the management.”

Green technology

Ulrik mentions that he’s particularly looking forward to new developments in the stacks that form the core of the HPGen. “And the things we’re working on at HPNow are very easy to explain to other people, because it’s green technology that contributes to a better environment. People can easily see the upsides of the product.” And when he’s not talking to people about the benefits of green technology, Ulrik enjoys cooking for his wife and two children.

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