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Interview: Kasper Ginnerskov, QC Engineer

Kasper Ginnerskov is a man with a mission: as a QC engineer at HPNow, he makes sure every machine that leaves on a journey to one of our customers, is in top shape. The quality control process starts much earlier, however, and Kasper is involved from the very first steps of developing new parts.

Good match

Kasper, who completed his education in electronics engineering at DTU, joined us last year, but already he feels very much at home. “When I was approached to join HPNow, I didn’t have to think long, it seemed to be a good match. I especially like that it’s a green company.”

Checking everything

For Kasper, a typical day at work start with checking parts for electrical compliancy, calibrating all the sensors, and testing the machines for 12 hours before they’re shipped. “I also make components ready for production, like the computer ‘brains’ of the machine, along with the router for the internet connection, etcetera. And I document everything that I do, because traceability is essential – and when I’m away, the others on the team need to be able to follow what I’m doing, of course.”

Kasper tells us that the most satisfying aspect of his work is fixing issues and preventing them from arising in future. “It’s great to see it work in the end – of course I’m not doing it all alone, both the production department and QC are always looking for ways to do things better.”

Open culture

Speaking of teamwork, Kasper highlights the pleasant company culture. “There’s a lot of collaborative work going on, with lots of good colleagues, not just in terms of work, but also from the social point of view. I feel very welcome at the company, on all levels. At HPNow, it feels like you can talk to everyone, nobody is unreachable, I really like that.”

Green developments

That open company culture is a fertile breeding ground for improvements. At the moment, Kasper mentions, tests are carried out to decrease water usage of the machine and utilize less deionizing resin: “That means less inputs and waste materials, which is good for a green company,” he adds.

“At HPNow, we have a very important mission of trying to reduce the amount of chemicals used around the world, with a completely green way of making hydrogen peroxide. That’s why it’s also great to see we’re working on a reusable water system for the QC and R&D department, so we’ll be saving a lot of water in-house as well.”


And when Kasper is not working on making the world a greener place at HPNow, he enjoys a different kind of progress, on the racing track. “I really thrive when driving go-karts, for me that’s the best way to spend my spare time. I also like computer games, including racing games, but with the recent arrival of a new child, I’m spending most of my time with my lovely family, of course.”

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